MPC’s Prayer Chain is composed of a globally extensive group of people--church members, former members and friends of the church who afford a portion of their daily devotion to pray for individual concerns and worldwide situations, health-related issues and local occurrences. Should you find a need to convey your concerns to our Almighty Father, please contact us to initiate your request for prayer or to share a praise.
Posting of prayer requests occur via e-mail soon after they are received by MPC’s designated Prayer Chain coordinator. All prayer requests are considered sensitive in nature: we rely on the person making the request to refrain from posting CONFIDENTIAL information without permission, e.g., last names.
The MPC Prayer Chain is not considered a bulletin board for announcements other than prayers – it is for the sanctity of life and our trust in the Lord that He hears our prayers and honors our faithfulness in the sacredness of our faith journey.
Consider MPC’s Prayer Chain as a significant aspect of your commitment to pray without ceasing. The Lord hears all of our prayers and will answer each and every one of them.